Clean Living and Emerging Electric Cars

March 25, 2020

Clean Living and Emerging Electric Cars

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Clean living is on the minds of many due to the current global emergency that is COVID-19, many are waking up to the threat of pollution and clean living. Washing hands, keeping distance and sterilizing after use has provided a huge halt to the spread of the disease. While many are stuck inside and away from work, plenty of at home citizens are researching how they can do their part to clean things up! Many are even prospecting into the world of electric vehicles.

EVs Provide Clean Living!

Due to pollution rates across the globe, electric vehicles have been a major proponent of establishing cleaner living styles. From the lack of fossil fuels to the zero emissions standards present, the benefits are drastic. For many, the idea of no longer being a slave to the pump is what drives the current sales of vehicles like Tesla and the Toyota Prius. Now that the world is facing an emergency based off infection and unclean living, heads have turned to a more environmental focus.

Countries Establish Sanitation Protocols

With the current issues facing almost every country, some have taken the initiative to set up clean energy programs. Norway, for one, almost completely runs on recycled waste. So much so, that they have requested garbage from other countries to be shipped to them in order to properly recycle and power homes across the country. The use of recycled waste has shown to deter the spread of diseases and cleans up the surrounding environment.

Not only have they taken these precautions, but they have also pushed for an all-electric car market starting in 2025. They have become the first to establish this. The country is also ahead by at least 30 years compared to the next closest all-electric market.

Current Issues Open The Eyes To Clean Living

The current global emergency is starting to rattle the cage of many countries who have no adopted cleaner environmental lifestyles. These countries have taken multiple steps to set them on the right course. The technology has also proven itself to be just as effective as traditional ICE’s. With the ability to out tow and out haul traditional auto manufacturers, the time to switch is now!

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