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National Guard is ‘Gearing Up’ to Border as Migrant Caravan Approaches

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The National Guard in a Southern state is getting ready at the U.S. Southern border in response to a large migrant caravan that is approaching the U.S. southern border. Governor Greg Abbott has released a video Saturday of this. Increased Migrant Cavaran "In fact, the Texas National Guard is going…

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Power Slowly Returns as Cleanup Begins on Hurricane Nicholas

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Power is close to being restoring for all CenterPoint Energy customers in the wake of Hurricane Nicholas. The hurricane has moved through a greater Southern state and has since been downgrading to a tropical depression. Power Down in Local Region On Wednesday, as of 8:45 a.m., just over 81,000 customers were…

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“Shooter Possibly Inspired by foreign terrorists,” says the FBI

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A shooter in a Southwest state maybe has been inspiring by foreign terrorists when he, in fact, killed a Lyft driver in a local suburb. Currently, investigators are looking into that. Then this shooter later opened fire into the police station of another suburb when the officials later fatally shot…

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Supreme Court Approves Arrest of Democrats not Going to the Legislature

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The Supreme Court in a Southern state on Tuesday has voided a district judge's temporary order. That order does back the threat of arrest for Democratic lawmakers who literally fled the state this month. Governor Greg Abbott Laying Down the Gaunlet The great "freedom fighting" Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has…

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Supreme Court Ruling Bars Residency for Many Immigrants

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Supreme Court said the ruling yesterday could in fact that could prevent immigrants — who came under dire circumstances and earned Temporary Protected Status — from obtaining green cards. Supreme Court Ruling The unanimous ruling was devastating news for immigrants from other countries who crossing into the U.S. under duress…

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FBI Joins Search for Erica Hernandez and Needs Public Eyes

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FBI has joined the police volunteers in the search for Erica Hernandez, she is a missing mother of three children who haven't been since a week ago. FBI, Representative and Investigators Meet with Hernandez Family This past Monday Hernandez's family met with Representative Sheila Jackson Lee and the investigations in…

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